Our History
2019 Stage Eleven
Barossa Valley Farm shop, cafe & tourist centre
2018 Stage Ten
Launch of the Eggs Daily 20 pack
2018 Stage Nine
Launch of the McLaren Vale and Adelaide Hills packs
2017-2019 Stage Nine
Rebuild of sheds 8-12 at Barossa Valley Farm
2017 Stage Seven
Build of rearing shed 14 at Barossa Valley Farm
2016 Stage Six
Launch of the much anticipated Barossa Free Range Eggs
2015 Stage Five
Commissioning of New Free Range Layer Facility of 25,000 hens
2011-2014 Stage Five
Remove old cage system and rebuild sheds 1-7.
2011-2014 Stage Five
Purchase new farm in the Barossa Valley
2014 Stage Four
International packaging patent
2013-14 Stage Four
Establish joint venture or bacon supply, design bacon to suit packs modify machines to insert bacon
2013-14 Stage Four
Construction of approved display farm and education facility at our North Plympton head office. (Next to Adelaide Airport)
2013 Stage Three
Installation of new egg processing and washing facility
2010-12 Stage Two
Design an industry specific egg and bacon package completed after three years of modifications and machine testing
2010 Stage Two
Construction of new egg packaging warehouse and cold room each storing in excess of 300 pallets
2009 Stage One
Purchase of new stainless steel egg grading machine automatically grading and packaging 25,000 eggs per hour
2008 Stage One
New refrigerated Grading floor